
Mission: To connect every burdened soul to the Lord by the power of the Word and anointed prayers for self transformation and actualisation of divine blessings.


Vision: A transformed society of believers, basking continually in the glory of Christ Jesus.

Monday 21 March 2011

Leadership As Exemplified in The Bible

John 10:11, Judges 4, Esther 4, 2 Chronicles 1:7-11

Leadership is the position of being the head of a group, organisation or a community. Leadership is a position of responsibility for guidance, direction, inspiration, knowledge and management. It is also a position of focus as an example for others to see and follow. Leadership can be in various capacities: spiritual, family, professional, community, organisation, political and national. Basic components of leadership are the leader and the position.

Certain qualities are expected of a leader:
  • A leader must be bold and courageous.
  • A leader must be disciplined, visionary, transparent, knowledgeable, upright, God-fearing, must have integrity, have initiative, be compassionate, have wisdom, must be encouraging the followers, and responding to the needs of his or her followers.
  • For church leadership in addition to the above, the leader must be spirit filled and must always allow the Holy Spirit to guide him and seek divine wisdom and knowledge to lead his people.
  • A leader must be ready to train those below him to the position of leadership so that there can be continuity in the position.
  • A leader must live by example.
  • A leader is a also a Shepherd and he must cater for his sheep and protect them from any wolf.

Choice of Leadership
Leadership position should not be scrambled for. Track record of the person must be considered. Experience and qualification as related to the position must also be considered.

For spiritual or church leadership the position should not be attained through voting. People to elect leaders must seek the face of the Lord and let the Holy Spirit direct them. It must not be influenced. The nature of service to be rendered must be considered and acquisition of skills relating to the position must be considered.

Our Lord Jesus Christ chose His disciples and He taught them how to disciple others. Peter and Andrew were already fishing when Jesus said He would make them fishers of men. When Jesus said "harvest is plenty but the workers are few, he did not mean there were no human beings around but people for the leadership position are few.

Let us consider some examples of leadership in the Bible.

Esther's Leadership
Esther, a Jew, was King Xerxes' queen. Mordecai, Esther's uncle was plotted against by Haman. Mordecai sent to Esther in the palace for help to intervene, so that he would not be killed and the Jews would not perish. Queen Esther had to see the King, but it was not customary then to see the King except the Kings sends for one. The penalty was death if the King did not send for one and one went. But Esther demonstrated a good leadership by declaring a fast for three days for her people and herself. She said in Ester 4:16, "When this is done, I will go to the King, even though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish". She demonstrated exemplary courage, driven by great compassion for her people. She did the unusual.

Esther was ready to lay down her life to save her people. She was a good leader, for she was ready to die for her sheep. This is exactly what Jesus did for you and I. He laid down His life. Esther did not mind the cost. What a great leader! What a leadership!!

Deborah's Leadership
In Judges 4. The Lord delivered the Israelites into the hand of King Jabin of Canaan because of the evil they did and they were to go to war. Deborah a judge and prophetess was leading Israel then. Sisera was the army leader for Canaan while Barak was the army leader of Israel. Deborah informed Barak in Judges 4:6, "The Lord commands you, "go take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor". But Barak said to Deborah in Judges 4:8, "If you go with me, I will go, but if you do not go with me, I will not go".

Deborah said in Judges 4:9, "Very well, I will go with you, but because of the way you are going about this, the honour will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman". Deborah was patriotic and she demonstrated and exemplary character of good leadership. She did not have to follow Barak to the war front. But for the sake of Isrealites she did. She was a role model and a committed leader. She has all the leadership qualities. How I wish our today's leaders could emulated Deborah.

Jehoshaphat's Leadership
In 2nd Chronicles 20:1-23. Three nations were against King Jehoshaphat and they came to war with him. In 20:3, "Jehoshaphat resolved to enquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah". Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the Temple of the Lord. They came together to seek help from the Lord in front of the new courtyard. He went there to honour God and sought His face. Of course, God gave him victory.

The lesson to learn from here is that he led his people to God to seek the face of God. Leaders should learn from Jehoshaphat's leadership by seeking God's face. He did not rush to acquire arms and ammunition. He did not waste his country's resources on arms to fight the war. He acknowledged God by saying "power and might are in God's hand and no one can withstand you".

Leadership that does not recognise the presence and awesomeness of God can not succeed. Good leadership includes seeking the face of the Lord for guidance and direction.

Solomon's Leadership
In 2nd Chronicles 1:7-11. When Solomon became King, God gave him the opportunity to ask for whatever he wanted in a dream. Solomon in v9 said, "Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead these people". God gave him what he requested and added wealth, riches and honour unto him. God acknowledged that Solomon did not request for personal and selfish things.

How great and wonderful would it be if national, community, organisation, spiritual and family leaders could ask God for wisdom and knowledge to rule their people and do what is right. He asked for what would make him do the right thing and it was given to him.

Jesus Leadership
Jesus surrendered Himself unto death for the sake of mankind. In John 10:11, Jesus said. "I am the good Shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". Jesus was so much concerned about His sheep/followers that in John 21:15-17, He instructed Peter thrice to feed His lamb. "Feed my lambs", "Take care of my sheep", "Feed my sheep" if you love me.

Jesus in John 13:4-5 washed His disciples' feet and dried them. Jesus demonstrated extreme humility and that to be a leader; a person must be a servant. Leadership is about serving others. He led by example. He wanted them to continue after he might have gone back to His father. Leaders should train up followers to be leaders after them, be ready to serve and should live by example.

Having gone through the leadership examples of Jesus, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Deborah and Esther, and seeing how successful they led, you should emulate them. Either a spiritual, community, national, family or church leader, they are worthy of emulation.

Biblical principles of leadership such as courage, selflessness, compassion, seeking of divine wisdom and guidance at all times should underpin and form of leadership. Be it leadership of the family, organisation, community or country.

The world is in need of good governance and good leadership at all levels and in all spheres of live.

Church leaders should take note of the following;
  • You must have a call from God
  • Be filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Be ready to train for leadership position to acquire the necessary skills
  • Leaders must be prayed for
  • The sin of a leader can bring judgement to the followers

Father in the name Jesus, give us leaders after your own heart.
Give us leaders who will put you first, seek your face and ask for wisdom and knowledge to be able to do what is right. AMEN


  1. This is a good sermon

  2. May God give us the glory to be good leaders. Joke
